Sunhae Im and the renowned ensemble Teatro del mondo (led by Andreas Küppers) gave an open-air recital at Monastery Dalheim in Lichtenau, Germany, on August 15, 2020. The recital program was based on their recent CD “Didone Abbandonata”.
It was Sunhae’s first performance with audience in Europe after the COVID-19 pandemic made every concert difficult or impossible. They minimized the number of performers, prepared the stage at the courtyard (not in the church), and ensured social distancing between each one in the audience.
Westfalen-Blatt reported: “As expected, Sunhae Im convinced with a clear voice, skillful baroque coloratura, and flexible and text-oriented voice design. She also avoided any excessive vibrato in the voice… This concert evening offered an unusual spectrum of rarely heard works of baroque music and at the same time demonstrated their inexhaustible diversity. After long applause from the almost 100 concert-goers, Sunhae Im sang the aria “Già si la tempestate” from the opera “Didone abbandonata” by Domenico Sarro as an encore.” (Click for the full article)